List building is the bread and butter of my online efforts (combined with article marketing, but that is a different animal all together). I believe very strongly in list building and do not believe that the average internet marketer is fully optimizing the opportunities that go along with list building. I think that most list building is done by professional internet marketers, but I think that there is so much money in list building in the smaller niche markets that if you have a niche market web site as a hobby, I think you should start list building immediately.
Let me give you some numbers about list building. Now I like numbers, because numbers do not lie - not in and of themselves - and you can use your calculator to check my numbers!
Now I have heard that the average list builder makes between 50 cents and $1 for every subscriber on his list, every single month (I make much more than that, but that is a different story). So that means that if you have a list of 1000 subscribers, you should make between $500 and $1000 every month with that list, right$%:
So right now you have a niche web site that is really not getting much traffic - let us just say that it is getting you 43 visitors per day, a very reasonable number for a niche site that is a hobby for you. Now, multiple that by 365 days in the year and you should get
15,695 visitors per year.
Now, most people can easily get 30% of them to sign up to a list (I have one list that gets 60% of the people who visit, to become a subscriber, but again that is off-topic). So multiple 15,695 by .30 and you should get 4708 subscribers. Now, at 50 cents per subscriber, that would be $2354 in monthly recurring income and at $1 per subscriber that would be $4708 in monthly recurring income.
Case closed - you must list build!